How to Get a Free Domain Name? Print

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The free one year domain name is offered for 2 of our Alberta web hosting packages, the Business Hosting and Power Server Hosting packages. Light Touch Technologies offers 4 pay cycles for their customers, monthly, quarterly (3 months), semi-annual (6 months) and annually (12 months). The pay cycle is conditional in order to get the free domain. See below:

1) Package: Business Hosting
    Pay Cycle: The customer must be willing to purchase a pay cycle starting at 6 months (semi-annual) plan and up.

2) Package: Power Server Hosting
    Pay Cycle: The customer must be willing to purchase a pay cycle starting at 3 months (quarterly) plan and up.

Click to Get Your Free Domain Name Today!

Disclaimer: This offer is good for only 1 year domain registration. Renewal for second year and up for very affordable domain registration pricing. See our domain registration page.

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