How to Change Your Plesk Hosting Panel User Password? Print

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Below are the instructions on how to change the customer user password on the Light Touch Technologies Plesk server. We recommend to our customers to change their login password from time to time in order to maintain security of their web hosting account. Follow our step-by-step instructions below.


  • High speed Internet access.
  • The "Account Information" email you received after your web hosting account became active. It will have all of your login credentials for accessing the Ligh Touch Technologies server for your web hosting account. (Contact if you need for us to resend (securely email) it to your.)

Steps for Changing User Password

  1. Log in to the Plesk Customer Panel ( with your current user/password):

    • If you’re using the Power User view (default):
      • Go to Users. in menu bar on left
      • Click on the blue username link you want to update.
      • Select the Change Settings button.
  2. In the Plesk Preferences section, specify a new password for the user.

  3. Apply the changes.

Alternatively, you can change a customer’s password via the command-line interface:

  1. Connect to the Plesk server via SSH (Linux) or RDP (Windows Server).

  2. List all Plesk users (on Windows server, start a command prompt as an Administrator):

    # plesk db "select contactName as 'Plesk customer/reseller', login as 'Login' from smb_users"
  3. Change the password for a Plesk user using their Login from the previous step:

    # plesk bin user -u jdoe -passwd 'new_password'

    Replace jdoe with the actual username and new_password with the desired password1.

Remember to keep your new password secure! ????

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