How do I Change Server User Credentials in Plesk Print

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To change the password of a subscription’s system user in Plesk, you have a couple of options:

Using the Plesk Customer Hosting Panel:

  • Log into your Plesk Customer Hosting Panel.
  • Click on Dashboard tab.
  • Go to Hosting Settings (Look for icon that looks like sliders up and down.):
  • In the System user section, set the new password for the system user in the Password and Confirm password fields.
  • Click OK or Apply to save the changes1.

Directly on the Server (via SSH or RDP):

Remember to replace placeholders like example.comuser, and password with the appropriate values. If you prefer using the Plesk interface, follow the first method; otherwise, use the command-line approach.

For additional information, you can also learn how to change the name of a subscription’s system user in Plesk1. If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask for further assistance!

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