Details of Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Print

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If for any reason you are not satisfied with our services, you are entitled to a full money back refund as long as the request to cancel service and ask for a refund is within the first 30 days of the purchase.

When is a Customer Not Eligible for a Refund?

  • Renewal of Services: A customer is not eligible for a refund if the purchase is a renewal of existing services.
  • Domain Registration: If a customer purchases a domain name registration, he or she is not eligible for a refund. The reason for this is because Light Touch Technologies is not able to reverse the registration of the domain. Once the domain is reserved and paid for, it is owned by the customer for the term (in years) that they paid for.
  • Termination of Services: If a customer breaches the contract agreement between them and Light Touch Technologies, they are not eligible for a refund. Read our Terms and Conditions to see what constitiutes a breach of contract.
  • Requesting Refund after 30 Days: Even if a customer asks for a refund 1 day after the 30 day warranty, they are not eligible for a refund of any kind. So, please give yourself enough time to cancel within the 30 days of purchase to ensure a refund if you are not satisfied with our service.

If you have any questions or concerns, please Contact Support and we will be glad to help you.

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