How to Control Email Spam with SpamAssassin Print

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The SpamAssassin spam filter is a tool used in Plesk, Light Touch Technologies web hosting control panel, to identify and manage spam messages among emails sent to mailboxes hosted on the LTT web hosting server. Here are some key points about SpamAssassin in Plesk Customer Hosting Panel:

Functionality: SpamAssassin analyzes email content and subject lines to determine whether a message is spam. It assigns a score to each message based on various tests. The higher the score, the more likely the message is spam.

Sensitivity Settings: By default, SpamAssassin considers messages with a score of 7 or more points as spam. You can adjust the sensitivity level to better suit your needs. For example:

  • To reduce false positives (valid messages marked as spam), decrease the sensitivity by setting a higher value.
  • To catch more spam, increase the sensitivity by setting a lesser value.

Individual Mailbox Settings:

  • While you can’t configure SpamAssassin to automatically delete all spam messages at the server level, individual mailbox owners can set their own preferences.
  • Users can configure their spam filters to automatically delete messages marked by SpamAssassin or create personal black and white lists.

To enable the SpamAssassin spam filter in Plesk Customer Hosting Panel, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Plesk Customer Hosting Panel,
  2. Navigate to the “Mail” tab.
  3. Click on "Mail Accounts" link.
  4. Click on the specific email address you want to protect with spam filters.
  5. Go to the “Spam Filter” tab.
  6. Check the box labeled “Switch on spam filtering for this email address” to activate spam filtering
  7. Choose your option under the "What to do with messages classified as spam" section. You can choose "Mark spam messages by adding the following text to message subject" or "Delete all spam messages" or "Move spam to the Spam folder".
  8. Click on the blue link "Hide Advanced Settings". Here is where you will choose your spam score and add your "Black List" email addresses and "White List" email addresses. Every email in white list will be allowed. Every email address in Black List will be blocked from coming to your email's inbox.

This will help reduce unwanted spam messages for the selected email address. Let us know if you need further assistance!

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