What is SEO Toolkit in Plesk Customer Hosting Panel? Print

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Exactly What You Need to Get Found Online

Let the SEO Toolkit guide you towards maximizing your search engine traffic


Introducing the SEO Toolkit
SEO Toolkit that is in your Light Touch Technologies Plesk Customer Hosting Panel is a very useful tool that can greatly improve the search engine placement of your company website. It will improve your search engine rankings by testing, analyzing and monitoring, not just your website, but also your competitors’. We don’t miss any steps.

SEO Advisor
Get your new SEO buddy to dig up actionable insights on your site’s performance and hand it to you in one comprehensive task list.

Site Audit
Run the Site Audit to scan your site and validate each URL. You’ll get an Optimization Score based on best-known SEO rules and practices.

SEO Toolkit
Use this crafty tool to keep an eye on your domains and their current positions in popular search engines. Know where you stand to overtake competitors.

Log File Analyzer
Inspect all bot activity and store it all in one place. In your access logs, you can track what bots have crawled on your site, when and how often.

Click to Learn How to Use SEO Toolkit

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